Random Pulse

Alternate Universes


When I get really into a piece of media, I often let my thoughts and creativity run off with it. Thus, different medias are often combined or completely changed, simply for my own amusement. I like to explore the "what ifs."

Rain World

Warrior Cats

I decided to combine my two biggest interests at the moment. You know, for funsies.

RW: Deluge

An OC-focused exploration of Sliver of Straw's decaying facility, put together by me and a good friend of mine.


Anthro AU

Really just Warriors, except they're furries and also live in cities and the like. I promise it is cooler than the way I'm describing it (at least in my head).

Sands of Tide

In which Sandpaw is apprenticed to Tigerclaw instead of Whitestorm, and manipulated into assisting him in his campaign for power. She knows his secrets, but for how long will she keep them?

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